World Photography Day

The 19th of August is World Photo Day, it’s one of the first important days that the iPhotography tutors mark in their calendar every January.


Well it’s the only day out of 365 that we, as part of the worldwide photography community, get to take over the international conversation for 24 hours and all we talk about is photography!

If you’re new to World Photo Day then fear not, I’ve got your back. I’ve got 3 great ways to celebrate and make the most of this special occasion.

World Photography Day by

What is World Photography Day?

World Photo Day is a great landmark opportunity for you to get inspired, network or to take your photography to the next level.

• Maybe you’re a beginner wanting to know where to start?
• Or a hobbyist looking to improve your style?
• Perhaps you’re ready to take the next step?

Whatever your position, use today as a photographic ‘New Years’ Resolution’ and start off the rest of the year with decisiveness and confidence.

So, with that said, let’s get started with a few fun photography facts.

5 World Photography Day Facts

1. World Photo Day is celebrated on August 19 because on this day, in 1839, the French government bought the patent for the Daguerreotype photographic process and released it “free to the world”.

2. Thanks to digital photography, more than 350 billion photos are taken worldwide every year.

3. The first photograph of the Moon was in 1851 and since then there has been 12 Hasselblad cameras left on the surface.

4. The earliest known use of the abbreviation ‘photo’ was by Queen Victoria in a letter in 1860.

5. The world’s most expensive photograph sold to date is ‘Rhien II’ by Andreas Gursky for $4.3 million in 2011.

World Photography Day - Worlds Most Expensive Photograph by

Image: ‘Rhien II’ by Andreas Gursky (2011)

Start a 365 Photo Project

If your camera sits on a shelf for most of its life, then just challenge yourself to take it everywhere you go for 1 year. 365 projects are very popular and diverse, just take one picture every day and aim to improve your skills as the weeks go by. Try using your smartphone’s camera too.

Here are a few good topics for a project;

• Selfies (this is a really fun one, especially if you change your hairstyle a lot, or your planning to grow a beard!)
• One Colour (only yellow objects or black & white)
• Same subject (skies, cars, birds)
• Same shapes (circles, triangles, curves)
• Outfits (take a picture of your outfit everyday)
• Weather

Whatever you choose start today, stick to it, 365 projects take dedication as most fail after the first month. If 365 pictures seems to much for you, then try a 52 week project – 1 picture per week!

Go on a Photo Walk

Grab a map and go.

Find a friend or go alone. Take your camera (and a few spare batteries and memory cards) and see what happens! Forcing yourself to new places opens up your eyes to the opportunities that all around us, you just need to be there to see them. Don’t sit around feeling jealous or envious of other photographers, be the one that others are jealous of – go on a photo walk.

Fun Fact: Before photography, nobody knew what they looked like with their eyes closed.

Watch a Photography Film

When World Photo Day is starting to wind down then keep those passionate embers still burning by watching some brilliant photography films.


The Genius of Photography

This series created by the BBC explores every aspect of photography from its foundations to its modern-day style in a beautiful documentary.

Tales by Light

A Netflix creation featuring 12 episodes that follows photographers around the world pushing their skills to the limits.

Bill Cunningham New York – This is the story of the famous street photographer, Bill Cunningham whose photography began a subculture movement still present today.


Another Netflix original is about a fictional famous photographer who is trying to reconnect with his estranged son on a road trip to develop his last ever roll of 35mm film.


Edward Furlong and Christina Ricci star together in this late 90’s cult film about a young boy who can’t stop taking photographs and the fame and problems that it brings.


There are so many more films and documentaries about photography available, so set aside a little time for yourself one night to get inspired.

World Photo Day won’t appear again for another 365 days so don’t say that fatal phrase, ‘oh I’ll do it tomorrow’, kick start your passion, reignite that flame, stoke the photographic fire in your heart and transform your photographs from good to great!


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Before you leave, make sure you’ve secured your FREE online photography course the ’30 Day Photographer’ (worth ).

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