11 Websites and Apps for Photographers

Do you find that you’re spending too much time on the computer, editing photos, researching styles, talking to clients, tweaking your website? Then we’ve got 11 of the best online tools for photographers to quicken your workflow.

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com

1. JPEG Mini

JPEG mini is a great place to compress your photo to the smallest size possible, without losing detail. This is perfect for photographers who want to increase the loading speed of a website or save space on your hard drive.

It’s not a free service, but for the current price is worth the money if you take a lot of photos. There are also plugins available so you can use the software directly in Photoshop and Lightroom.

Check out Jpeg Mini Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com JPEG mini

2. Blogstomp

Use BlogStomp to create beautiful layouts and arrangements of images for your personal blog or social media posts. There are presets included for social media platforms too so you don’t need to spend time typing in dimensions.

Check out BlogStomp Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com BlogStomp

3. Narrative

Narrative is a clean and simple online tool to help you narrow down your photo selection, similar to Lightroom. With built-in AI features such as automated removal of images with closed eyes or blurry shots, Narrative can help you skip the duds before you reach them. You can also build a blog using the Narrative Publish feature too.

Check out Narrative Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Narrative

4. Photo Joiner

We love Photo Joiner! It’s such a simple website to use to create collages of photos. It’s free, which is another bonus. Select up to 8 images to blend into a template and download them to your device hassle-free.

Check out Photo Joiner Here

5. Shoot Proof

Shoot Proof is one of the best online tools for photographers who want to grow their business. It simplifies the hassle of building a gallery that your clients can view with their own private passwords. They can mark their favourite shots and even download selected images.

Though this makes the sales process less face-to-face, it’s potentially easier for both parties. Wedding photographers for example, find online gallery services great for guests to purchase images without having to meet directly.

Check out Shoot Proof Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Shoot Proof

6. Planoly

If you want to spend less time posting all your new content to social media, check out Planoly. Planoly allows you to schedule your posts at the time you want, to the platform you want. Spend a few hours scheduling all your photography posts for the weeks ahead and then sit back and let the audience roll in.

Check out Planoly Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Planoly

7. Loom

If you’re liaising with clients, showing off how you do your edits or wanting to make a photography tutorial then Loom could answer all your prayers.

Loom allows you to record video messages alongside screen captures which gives you a visual (and potentially more helpful) answer for your audience. It’s free to use and there are also paid levels to increase the features.

Check out Loom Here

8. Canva

Canva is massive, probably one of the best online tools for photographers who want absolute consistency in their social media posts but without spending ages designing templates.

You’ll find hundreds of free templates to drop your photos on and they’re all optimised for different social channels. If you’re not a graphic designer but like a stylised look to your Instagram stories or Twitter fleets then Canva is packed with solutions for you.

Check out Canva Here

9. Alpenglow

Slightly off the business track, but still a great online tool for a photographer is Alpenglow. If you love your landscapes but struggling to get most dramatic sky then download this app to make sure you don’t miss an incredible sunrise or sunset. Set yourself a reminder, check out local forecasts for getting the best golden hour or blue hour windows.

Slightly off the business track, but still a great online tool for a photographer is Alpenglow. If you love your landscapes but struggling to get most dramatic sky then download this app to make sure you don’t miss an incredible sunrise or sunset. Set yourself a reminder, check out local forecasts for getting the best golden hour or blue hour windows.

Check out Alpenglow Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Alpenglow

10. Pixlr X

Hate paying for a subscription, or even a one-off payment, to editing software? Then Pixlr is the answer! Pixlr has 2 editors – Pixlr X (free) and Pixlr E (paid).

It’s incredibly easy to use and packed with features you’d find on premium software. iPhotography even has Pixlr X built into the website for all members to use.

And if that’s not enough we’ve also got a full masterclass tutorial on how to use it on YouTube. No more excuses for editing photos now!

Check out Pixlr X Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Pixlr

11. Pixpa

Pixpa is an all-in-one platform that lets you create your professional website complete with an online store, blog and client galleries without any coding knowledge. Pixpa’s all-inclusive plans enable you to manage your entire online presence in one place easily and affordably.

Check out Pixpa Here

Popular Photography Websites and Apps by iPhotography.com Pixpa

Best Online Tools for Photographers: Final Words

If you’ve got any contributions to add to our guide to the best online tools for photographers, then let us know. New apps and websites pop up every week so let us know if you find any gems.


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