5 Indoor Photo Projects

Photography can feel like the last thing you want to do when the weather is cold and wet. But you don’t have to be outdoors to take creative photos. I’ve got 5 indoor photo projects to try which will suit any camera and budget.

There’s no need for lots of preparation and planning these are indoor photo projects that you can start instantly.

Why not involve your children and grandkids to play along. Getting kids into photography is a wonderful way bonding and passing on your knowledge to the next generation.

1. The One Colour Game

The first indoor photo project to try is all about colour. Simply choose a colour, grab your camera and photograph objects that are that colour – simple.

There are only two rules to this indoor project:

  • Firstly, you’re not allowed to include any other colours at all.
  • Secondly, different shades and tints are OK.

It’s a much trickier game to play than you may think. It will test your perception and your creative cropping skills.

Finally, once you’ve got all your final shots, edit them together in a montage and print it out as your indoor photo project artwork!

Indoor photography projects by iPhotography.com

2. Still Life Photography

Do you have lots of trinkets and antiques dotted around you house? Why not try breathing a little bit of life into them by trying using a single light.

Indoor photography projects can be a perfect opportunity to test out your lighting skills. Lighting still life objects is a great starting point for learning about direction, quality and intensity of light at different distances.

Consider using a desk lamp, torch or your smartphone to illuminate your object. Once you’ve got your chosen subject, create a background using a piece of card, a towel or even tablecloth to make it look like a mini home studio.

Have a go at moving your light source around to see what areas you can illuminate and start snapping away with your camera on a tripod or steady surface.

3. Self Portraits for Photographers

It’s not self-indulgent to photograph yourself and as a photographer you need to face your fears sometimes.

Talking a self portrait can be a very cathartic process as you can spend quality time with your camera indoors.

Learn about different features on your camera, play around with creative and colour filters to see what effects you can create. No one has to see the final results if you don’t want to.

This indoor photo project is a perfect opportunity to get comfortable with your kit and not feeling the pressure of working with a subject.

Don’t rush though, even if you get a shot that you’re happy with, try some more, get creative with your cropping. If you have a fully articulating screen on your camera flip it around so you can see the composition.

There is even more information in our iPhotography portrait course. It’s a comprehensive 18-module online course that is perfect for beginners. The course is packed with everything you could possibly learn about taking a portrait – yours or someone else’s!

From what camera to use (and how to use it) through to building your own home studio and ways of making money from your camera – it’s all covered in this one amazing course.

4. Abstract Photography

Abstract photography is actually trickier than it may sound. Which is why having a window of time to play around indoors uninterrupted will only help you understand this widely misunderstood genre.

There should be 3 clear elements to an abstract photograph – form, colour and texture. What does that mean?

  • Form – How can you transform the shape of an object to suggest a new form?
  • Colour – Can you still retain colours that are indicative of that object despite its new form?
  • Texture – Is there a look of texture, which can help your audience understand what it would feel like?

To take an abstract photography Firstly, start off by sourcing an object and zooming in really close.

A macro lens or close up function would be ideal for this approach. Secondly, twist and rotate the object to take a series of images which could build up a sense of its original form and see if your friends and family can guess what it is.

It’s a fun indoor photo project that’ll test your creative abilities. Not everyone can look at mundane objects and see something different about them but little games like this will, over time, train your brain in to alternative perspectives.

Indoor photography projects by iPhotography.com

5. Food Photography

If you spend some time on Instagram, then you’ll know how popular it is to take a few snaps of your snacks. Did you know there are even websites where you can rate other people’s meals?!

We’re not suggesting going that far with this indoor photo project. But if you are a bit of a culinary whiz in the kitchen department then have a go at food photography.

Make yourself an impressive sandwich, burger, stack of pancakes or even a salad with all the dressings. Next, plate your meal up and place it near a window for the natural light.

Open up your aperture as wide as it will go (F/2, F/3.5, F/4 etc.) and shoot some sumptuous shallow depth of field pics with your greasy burger looking like it just got dished up by Gordon Ramsey.

Go mad with trimmings and toppings, the crazier the better – why? Well someone’s got to eat it afterwards! Read more about food photography here.

What’s the Best Indoor Photography Project?

Hopefully these 5 indoor photography projects give you something to do on a rainy day. All these projects aren’t only designed to be fun, but also to test your creative perception, understanding of lighting and also how your camera works.

If you do try out any of these indoor projects, I’d love to see the final photos. If you’re an iPhotography member share them in the feedback gallery. Alternatively, tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages and we’ll share them with the world!

If you’ve got any more suggestions for creative and simple indoor photo projects then get in touch.


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