Graduation Photography Tutorial

In lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic, many college and university students have not been able to graduate with a full ceremony. And that means there were lots of students missing out on their iconic graduation portraits.

We were contacted by our local friend Nicola who runs the fantastic camera strap company Ohh Strap! (where you can pick up branded iPhotography camera straps if you’d like by the way).

Graduation Photography Tutorial by

Nicola wasn’t able to attend her universities graduation ceremony due to COVID-19 so we wanted to help her out. She came to our iPhotography studio, and we took turns in taking formal and creative graduation portraits.

We split this tutorial into 2 parts to show the different approaches both me and my fellow photographer Rebecca Santo had for this shoot.

Join us as we look at cheap, easy and effective ways you can re-create your own graduation photography at home.

Graduation Photography Tutorial Part 1

Graduation Photography Tutorial Part 2


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