
Photography articles, tips, news, tutorials and resources from iPhotography™

How to Develop your Photography Style

Looking to make your photographs more personal, unique and consistent? We’ll tell you how to find your style based on the shots you’ve already taken. More…

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How to Give Photography Feedback - Tips by

How to Take Photography Feedback

5 TIPS to help you improve FASTER as a beginner photographer! Learn how to stay calm, objective and rational when taking constructive criticism online.

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The iPhotography Online Photo Feedback Gallery Overview by

How to Use the iPhotography Gallery

Make the best of your iPhotography membership with these 5 helpful tips to using our feedback gallery. Get more comments, help and advice here. Read more…

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Eye Photography: Using Your Eye Like a Camera

Learn how to see the way your camera does. Shortcut your way to understanding how to take amazing photos by simply knowing how your eye works.

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LGBTQ Photography by

LGBTQ Photography: 4 Iconic Activists & Allies

Discover 4 influential LGBTQ photographers who have shaped a community and changed societal norms through their viewfinder.

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Father’s Day Photography Tips & Ideas

Father’s Day is the perfect time to capture photos of that special guy! These tips will help you get the best pictures of your Dad!

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Improving Colour in your Photography

Join Eric Butcher and iPhotography as we demonstrate, for beginner photographers, simple props and techniques to improve colour in your photography.

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10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was Photographer

Want some advice from people who have lived and breathed the profession? Discover 10 truths of what it’s like to be a pro photographer.

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profile creative angles portrait

Portrait Photography: The Complete Guide

Discover the best portrait photography tips from pros to help capture AMAZING MOMENTS! This guide will help you take stunning portraits.

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Photographing Books

We’ve got chapters of book photography tutorials, tips and advice to help you take beautiful shots of novels, comics, products and more.

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Athlete running on the road in morning sunrise training for marathon and fitness. Healthy active lifestyle latino woman exercising outdoors.

Mental Health for Photographers

Suffer from lack of confidence or fear of inadequacy? We lay bare the common issues and how to overcome for positive mental health for photographers. Read more…

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What Makes a Good Photo 5 Tips by

Action and Sports Photography

Like to keep yourself moving? Get the best sports and action photography tips to improve your shots. Never miss an opportunity with iPhotography!

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Copyright Laura Harrison 2020

Abstract Photographer Laura Harrison

Find out how iPhotography member Laura Harrison creates her magnificent abstract photographs. Watch step-by-step her shooting and editing workflow.

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Framing Photography Tips by

Framing: Tips for Better Compositions

Improve your photography quickly and creatively with this powerful and underused framing technique. The perfect guide for new photographers.

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Baby Photography: Tips for Newcomers

Improve your newborn and baby photographs with our starter guide for beginners & amateur photographers. In collaboration with photographer Jessica Nightingale.

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Slow Sync Flash for Beginners

Improve your slow sync flash camera skills in our easy-to-follow guide perfect for beginners and amateurs. Front and rear curtain sync explained!

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How to Tell A Story with Your Camera

Are you creating meaningful photography or just happy snapping? Neither is wrong, but if you want to a story to your photos check out our TOP TIPS.

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Travel Photography Tips by

Travel Photography Tips

This travel photography guide is packed full of tips and ideas for stunning travel photography and creating memorable vacation shots!

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Mother’s Day Photography Tips & Ideas

Learn to take the most precious and perfect Mother’s Day photography. We’ve crafted this guide to be packed with posing and lighting tips.

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Fractal Photography

Today we are going to try out a little fractal photography. By simply using one little prop we will transform images into bizarre double perspective shots. Intrigued? We bet you are…

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macro photography image 4

How Capture Amazing Macro Photos

Do you struggle with getting pin-sharp macro photos? iPhotography and Jaymes Dempsey have teamed up to reveal a 5 step guide to get crystal clear shots.

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Learn the basics of photography – fast – with our FREE 30 Day Photographer online course. Each class is short and sharp with simple, actionable steps that give you immediate results.


Photography Course

Perfect for beginners!
Before you leave, make sure you’ve secured your FREE online photography course the ’30 Day Photographer’ (worth ).

Each class is just 60-seconds or less making it the fastest and easiest way to learn photography!